Friday, May 10, 2024

First Mow & Mother's Day

Today was a beautiful and sunny 69ºF and the lawn has had it's time to awaken and grow tall so after work today I mowed for the first time this year.  Unfortunately a bit too breezy and a chance of a passing shower later so no fire again tonight.

Madison is again promoting Low Mow May for the pollinators, but I still believe it's mostly the weeds in the lawns that are used for pollinating and not the grass, so really no matter for my lawn.  Although, I have been seeing a new weed in various areas of the lawn this year, and a ton of it everywhere else this year, too, actually.  I'm not sure what it is yet, but I've been fighting it as best I can in our yard.  It seems to crowd out the grass where it grows so it appears it will be an issue for some time with having to patch/reseed in areas eventually.

This weekend is Mother's Day for us, so I will again be going down to see her Sunday morning.  I'd not mentioned this here yet, but she has been recovering from a procedure so my sister stayed with her for a few weeks and I've been going down there on weekends since then.  But the good news is she's recovering well and will surely be fully independent again soon.  I've been taking her baguette and a sample of parmesan cheese pennies once and will again be baking in the morning to take her more baguette and cheddar cheese pennies for Mother's Day.  And my sister and her kids will be there so will be good to see them.

Other than that, I have lots on my list to get done this weekend but we'll just have to see.  I'd like to get the back steps power washed on Sunday afternoon and start on a fenced area where I will plant sunflowers soon, plus all the usual weekend chores will still need to be done.

So a busy weekend here, but welcomed after a long winter and a spring that has dragged on before really springing just recently.  Have a happy Mother's Day or otherwise have a great weekend!


delcatto said...

All the best for your mothers recovery and hopefully she is up and about. Good that you get to see her as often as you can.

I've mowed our grass as I can't really call it a lawn. I left the sides overgrown for the insects and other critters and I'll tackle those in a week or so.

Blue Witch said...

That cheese pennies recipe is fab - I now keep a roll in the freezer ready to take out, defrost and slice when needed. Thanks for posting the link a while ago.

Have a good visit to your Mum, and hope she is soon fully recovered.

I can't wait until our new trees and hedges are grown enough to just get a sheep or two in to 'mow' the meadow/orchard. 3 or 4 more years I reckon.

Scoakat said...

Thank you for the good wishes for my Mom. I talked to her last night and she seems as fit as ever.

Yes, I've made cheese pennies a few times now and they don't stick around long! I've only done cheddar and parmesan so far, but want to try swiss. What cheeses have you tried, BW?

Blue Witch said...

They are nice with blue. But I just use whatever is hanging around drying up. Often a lot of little bits.

I also put spices or seeds in. Fennel, mustard or caraway seeds are nice. And lots of chilli flakes.

Scoakat said...

The seeds sound interesting, but I've been avoiding seeds due to diverticulitis. I see a surgeon today about that.

Blue Witch said...

Ah... hope it went OK. Could you use a coffee grinder to make them into a fine powder? There is so much gut biome goodness in seeds. But maybe it is more than just the consistency that means you can't eat them?

Scoakat said...

I've been avoiding seeds, nuts and popcorn; things that can get through without being digested and could cause another flare-up. So grinding could be an option, I guess. Surgery would mean a few days in the hospital and 4-8 weeks off work, so certainly not preferable.