Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spring Thaw?

We had a good rain yesterday until about midday, melting some of the snow we had, but we had water in the basement that afternoon.  This is what it looks like by the drain when this happens.  Water gets in all around where the foundation walls meet the floor, and trickles toward the drain.  There is one area on the other side of the basement where it does pool a bit, and that was the last area still wet today.  I spread it around so it would evaporate, pushing it to the drain would be the same thing.  The dehumidifier has been running ever since yesterday and will probably continue for a few days, at least.  But we are very wet right now with more rain to snow coming tonight.

A pretty rare occurrence, overall, thankfully, but it does happen.  And not unusual for the neighborhood, from what I can gather.  We've prepared the basement for this, but we do have to remember to get the rugs up in time.


Blue Witch said...

My American friend (who has lived over here for over 40 years now) tells me that her parents (who live in Delaware) have to have a pump in their basement. So it could be worse!

Stay dry!

Raining here currently too, back to freezing temperatures at the weekend, and maybe snow, the forecasters say.

Scoakat said...

A sump pump, yes. Those pump the water away when the water table gets high so this - or worse - doesn't happen. Very common over here, though I've never had one where I lived. Thankfully we don't get enough water to need one.

delcatto said...

Hopefully you remain dry and warm!

As BW says, rain here and snow is predicted for the immediate future although no firm time scale as yet.

Scoakat said...

Thank you, no new water and all dried now. Hopefully no more at all. Got up to 53ºF here yesterday. I took my walk outside and it was very nice. Seasonable here, going below and above freezing every day. We average 7 inches of snow in March so we're not done yet.

What's up with your weather? Can you normally have snow this late?

Blue Witch said...

Even down south we had snow in late April one year.

delcatto said...

We had snow in London in June one year, 1975. Very unusual.

Scoakat said...

Interesting, but I guess should be expected. I'm in the middle of a continent and your country is so much more coastal, and more northern than Wisconsin. Different climates, essentially. And now changing.