Friday, July 17, 2020


Ready.  Set.  Firepit!  As I got ready to start a fire tonight, shortly before sunset.  I was out there over two hours and even had to put one of the logs you see leaning on the side back on the stack.  My firepit has become my solace in these times.  We did have two friends over for a short time to sit by the fire recently - socially distanced, of course.  I had a mandate for facemasks if they had to go into the house but it never came up.

Again, playing with the camera on my new phone.  Here is the Big Dipper, a common sight in our summer night sky, being crossed by the ISS, the brightest dot, of course.  I think this is a pretty good picture, at least probably the best my camera will do.

And just because I like it, here's a picture of a dragonfly that landed immediately in front of me as I was going to get wood for a fire earlier in the week.  We've seen a lot of them this year, which is pretty neat.

Tomorrow I have to go into work for a bit.  This will be the third time since the Covid hit the fan.  I chose to work a few hours on Saturday on a task that cannot be done remotely because there won't be anyone else around.  But I hate it.  In fact, this remoteness is not good for my job satisfaction, not that I want to go back to the office every day, anymore.  We've gone back on mandatory overtime recently and system issues along with poor communication has me a bit frustrated.  Why can't I just be a drone office worker?  I get lots of shit done, but it never seems like that's what they want.  They wanted me because I can think outside the box, but then only want improvements that follow the status quo.  They really just wanted another sheep.  I'm faaaaaaucked!


delcatto said...

Lovely picture of the big dipper there and catching the ISS as well makes it better. Light pollution here has sadly put a stop to my star gazing from the garden but I get glimpses when I shield my eyes.
Loving the dragonfly as well. We've seen a lot of them this past week as we are near the river.

Work...I feel your pain as innovative thinking is always welcomed but then mediocrities love to contain things in their safe numbered boxes.
Keep buggering on is my motto. Stay well.

Scoakat said...

Thank you, delcatto. I used a 'night vision' feature on my phone, and knowing the ISS was going to come by I saw an opportunity.

We do see dragonflies normally with the creek nearby, but for some reason there's more this year. The creek is very full at the moment as we've had a lot of rain this month.

I got back from work a couple hours ago, and it went well. There was one other in my department there so enjoyed some small talk on my way in and out.

Blue Witch said...

The ISS has been over us the past couple of weeks too. Great picture! I love the ISS - the future meets the present.

I love your log store. Glad you have the firepit to escape into.

Scoakat said...
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Scoakat said...

Thanks, BW. I also love the ISS. Watching it arc overhead while contemplating everything it represents. Awesome to me, maybe commonplace in the future? Limitless possibilities, if we can take care of our home planet, firstly.

I deleted my first version because I thought it may give a wrong impression. Basically, I'm getting down a bit being sequestered for so long. I'm certain I'm not alone, just a sign of the times.

Blue Witch said...

We've been very detached from what is happening in the outside world.

But, I'm more than annoyed about the casual attitude of other people to the safety and wellbeing of those around them. The current situation seems to have made the selfish more selfish and the thoughtless even more so.

delcatto said...

It's certainly sending people stir crazy and I am thankful work has kept me busy, sometimes too busy but a welcome distraction.

I'd love to see a band, have a beer, meet friends and visit family but I will hold off for now. Letting my imagination roam the world instead with music and books helping that.

Scoakat said...

I think we may start having friends over for socially distanced firepits. No groups, maybe one or two people at a time, is all. Masks required to use the facilities. It's not the social life we had before, but it's something.

As for going out, we've gone out to eat once and I went by myself once since all this started. I see this continuing to be very, very rare.

As for bands/music, there's been lots more livestreams and older concerts being posted, and I've been taking advantage!