Monday, May 27, 2019

Holiday Fire Pit Views

Happy Memorial Day, everyone.  Though today is rainy, the last two days have been wonderful.  I did as I said and sat by the fire last night.  I also took lots of pictures because I just enjoy taking pictures and I'm still loving the fire pit.  Sit a spell, enjoy the view.  Wish you were here!

Panoramic view makes the yard look bigger.


Blue Witch said...

Ah, lovely. Thank you for the pictures, I enjoyed my 30 seconds with you there.

Are you having problems with low-over-flying planes too?

Scoakat said...

You're welcome to stop in anytime, BW!

We live maybe 2 miles south of the airport as the crow flies, in line with the main runway, so we see planes all the time. They were coming in to land over us this night, other times they take off in this direction. Pictures don't do it justice, they look much closer in person. We don't find them a bother and I actually like to watch the planes, it's the military jets that can get so loud!

Blue Witch said...

How busy is your airport?

I'm glad they don't bother you though.

They changed flightpaths over us on a technicality 3 years ago, and, with expansion plans (unbelievable in these environmentally consious times), it is now unbearable (and we're 15 miles away!). Usual dB here are around 34 - 36 (it's very quiet). When a plane goes over, it rises to mid 60s.

Scoakat said...

The last I saw, at the url above, it served 1.8 million people in 2016, the second largest airport in Wisconsin. But it still shuts down overnight, until the FedEx planes take to the air very early morning.

It's funny, if we're outside talking to a neighbor and a plane comes we just pause and wait for it while someone from outside the area just keeps trying to talk over it - unsuccessfully, usually. I don't know the dB, but the regular planes aren't so bad - it's military jets that can rattle the windows, but that's certainly not a daily thing.

You just get used to it, and we knew about it before we bought the house. No bother to us, though my wife tells me people whine about it on the neighborhood farcebook page.

Blue Witch said...

Ah... ours is 28M passengers and growing fast. And if there's one thing I've learned recently it's that people's perception of noise has probably greater variance than anything else. Sadly I'm at the 'annoyed by bretahing' end of the spectrum!

Scoakat said...

Ah, 28M is quite a bit larger. Thankfully we have 3 major hubs around Wisconsin in Minneapolis, Chicago and Detroit for all that traffic.

But now you gave me ideas, I may try to get and post video of planes or jets going by!