Thursday, August 30, 2018

The 2018 Flood III - Ducks Don't Mind

This picture from a couple hours ago is looking back upstream from the bridge in the picture from the last post.  Water levels are the same, but the ducks don't seem to mind.  Normally you would see big rocks on the sides of this part of Starkweather Creek, still very underwater.  Thankfully, recent rains have not not been enough to very much worsen the issue.


The city posted a map of properties to notify because of the danger of flooding.  On our street there's surprisingly just one, a few houses down and across the street on the end, by the creek.  For the water to make it up the hill to our house there would have to be some catastrophic happenings, thankfully for us - and not very likely.  I thought of stopping by the lake on my way home today so I could show the difference compared to earlier photos, but didn't due to traffic.  I'll see if I get a chance this upcoming holiday weekend.


Blue Witch said...

That brought to mind 'all the ducks are swimming in the water', a very weird track from a very weird album by Lemon Jelly. Which will now be in my head for the weekend. Thanks for that ;)

Scoakat said...

I had to look it up before responding - catchy tune! Has all the makings of an earworm, that line you quoted. The instrumental parts get tedious, though.