Today was the spring day I went plant shopping. We had a lot of pots to fill and I think I filled them well. It was overcast with sprinkles this morning, perfect weather to beat the crowds so I got going early. By midday it was sunny and beautiful outside so I'm sure the amateur gardeners were out in droves, crowding the plant stores and making it hard to move about and causing long lines at the cash registers.
I didn't really have a plan when I set out, just an idea of how many pots I had. I tried to get plants that tolerate full sun and that looked nice to me. I did get one for part shade by accident, I put it on the front step behind the front flower pot. The front is the north side of the house so it should do well there. This afternoon Kate and I went and got a couple hanging baskets, too, one for front and one for back. We may still get more plants, there is still some space in the flowerbeds in back, we want to look at perennials to replace tulips on one or both sides of the front stoop and we still have planting to do in the garden.
This was really the first spring day that we could have all the windows open all day and enjoy the beautiful weather. But that also means summer is right around the corner, and Tuesday is supposed to be the first day in the 80's F. I always hope to keep the windows open but before you know it it's just too hot. Oh well, we'll all - cats included - enjoy open windows while we can.
I'll take more pictures and post another yard and garden photo tour soon, possibly tomorrow, over at the garden blog.
Artisanal Theater
10 hours ago
A lovely colourful selection there and should make a good dosplay. My fingers are crossed that we'll start to get some warmer weather soon and I can get out to enjoy the garden more.
Thank you, the fun is watching them grow and bloom. Not warmer yet? It will come. This seems about average for us. Today, Mother's day, is looked upon here as the point we will have no more frosts. I think we last had morning frost about a week or more ago.
We have now had three days of excellent weather with glorious sunshine so the garden is growing like BillyOh. It's just a shame I am back at work for what promises to be an even hotter weekend! I hope all is well with you.
Things are looking up, thanks. I'll post about what's been up with us tomorrow. Work is my real stress, though.
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