Sunday, February 9, 2014

Alabama Beachcombing Bounty

Shell Vase20140202 002

The only thing left that I haven't shared from our trip to Alabama is the shells I collected on my walks along the beach.  I could have collected hundreds of the mid-size and smaller shells, but I mostly looked for unique, good quality shells. The picture above shows all that I brought home with me except the starfish.  And all but two shells are now on display in a vase on the hallway shelf - where cats cannot get into it.  I think it turned out pretty well.


delcatto said...

That looks pretty cool. I like the shapes and the muted colours of the shells.

Scoakat said...

Thanks, Delcatto. I had no idea what I was going to do with them when I got them home, but this looks like it!

Blue Witch said...

Ha - you too with the shells? One can never have too many shells.

Haven't found many good ones this trip yet.

Scoakat said...

Sorry for posting your comment 5 days late, BW (,due to the automatic moderation after 7 days). I'm guilty, I've been neglecting my space here lately.

Keep your eyes open, they can be hard to spot at first!