Hamish, top, and Basil still seem to be growing at just over 10 months old. Bigger and as naughty as ever!
We had the pleasure of having my nephew James spend some time with us on Saturday. My sister was in town for a play (I think it was called Spank... probably inappropriate for a 10 year old, you can look it up on your own) with my mother, aunt, cousin and more. An interesting group to see such a play maybe? I wonder how many 'uncomfortable' moments they may have had. Heh, heh, in my imagination it is hilarious! Okay that was for them, share if you wish, Mom and Sis!
For dinner, we took him out to a nearby landmark, a place called Ella's Deli. Unmistakable along one of the city's main arteries, especially in Summer when the carousel outside is uncovered and all lit up! Inside it is full of all sorts of moving, flying, spinning everything. You can see some of the hundreds of displays here, but photos are still and the whole place is actually in mesmerizing motion. I hadn't been inside there for at least 15 years, so I think I had as much fun as he did!
Love ya, James! Thanks for hanging out with us! (We missed you, Lindsey!)
Sunday was a pretty fun day. I had a pretty casual morning, my wife did a lot of housework. As usual she wins that battle, I realize it and do feel guilty. We went out to brunch with our friend Bridget along with Zubin and several of her friends for her birthday - Happy Birthday, Bridget! It was a nice place and even though the service was a bit slow the food was good and we had a very good time. It was actually a very nice day out - sunny with no wind and above freezing, a nice day to be out and about.
Afterwords we stopped for a few drinks at another local watering hole before going home and relaxing for an hour or so. Then, the neighbors a few houses up the street were having a gathering for all their neighbors and friends, including our local alderperson, so we went up and socialized for another hour and a half or so. I like our part of town, there are many like-minded people here and who wouldn't be comfortable with that? Many are youngish couples, some with children, and relatively recent to the neighborhood, as we are. All in all a nice day and an unusually busy weekend for us, yet I showed up for work this morning with a great big smile!
Thanks so much! He had fun! Loved Ella's Deli, so much to see, and of course the books/CD's (thanks!).
Yes, Spank. A parody/musical of the 50 Shades trilogy of books. I did NOT sit by mom...just in case of uncomfortableness (haha). However, it was fine and it was HILARIOUS! But definitely NOT for a 10 year old.
Thanks Uncle Scott and Aunt Kate! :)
It was our pleasure.
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