Saturday, September 8, 2012

Kittens Are Becoming Cats

The kittens are listed as being born on April 20, so they're not even 5 months old yet, but the size difference since we got them on June 9 is amazing to us, and they're not nearly done growing.  I was looking back through our photos and I tried to find a couple that have something in them for perspective (a chair and my lap, in this case) to demonstrate how they have grown.  The pics on the left are dated June 25 and the pics on the right were taken yesterday and today.  They look pretty cute here, but they are very mischievous cats, indeed.

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68% evil, my ass.  Oh, my wife is only 50% evil, somehow I find that more believable. ;-)

I am 68% Evil

You Are 68% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
Well, how did you do?  Tell me in the comments.  Thanx Joanne!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Latest Listening Pleasure... Pain, Part Two

My first LLP post featured the band Pain.  Seven months later, and while enjoying my other LLPs greatly, I find myself coming back to Peter Tagtgren's project more than ever.  There hasn't been anything new released, but I don't care, I'm still enjoying Pain's whole catalog of music immensely.  Enough to share it again. 

Here is probably their biggest song, Shut Your Mouth.

And another of my favorites, Bye/Die

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Fire With Friends

20120826 fire pit

After work on Friday, Kate and I went out for a couple drinks and a snack.  When we got home we proceeded to have a couple more drinks and someone (me) suggested we have a spur of the moment fire pit with friends the next night, Saturday.  So after a half day of recovery we prepared to do it again.  It was fun to get together around the fire, now that the fire ban has been lifted and the lawn is almost all green again.  I still used the pallet and grill mat, I don't want to scorch the grass like I did the first time we had a fire.  That brown spot was in the lawn almost all summer, that year.  It was nothing fancy on Saturday night, just a few friends who mostly would otherwise be sitting at home gathered around a fire and enjoying each others company.  It turned out to be a very enjoyable evening after all, though we did pay for it again on Sunday.  I'm getting too old for that much liquid fun in one weekend, I think.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bullets and New Ink

Hi!  How are you?  It has been over a week since I've last posted.  I know I have been lazy about blogging, and I don't really have a lot to say, but let me say a few things just to keep in touch.  Yes, bullet points again.  It just makes it easy and quick for me.
  • We went out on Kate's friend Terry's pontoon boat on Sunday.  It was a nice day for it and her dog was relatively calm.  I don't think I got on the lake at all last summer due to health and healing so it was nice to be on the water, um, except all they do is drive about 10 minutes from the marina to a cove and put down anchor.  If it was my boat I would spend a lot more money on gas and see the sights and sounds around the whole over 200 square mile lake.  But, alas, it is not my boat, and I'll take what I can get... sometimes.
  • I have been meaning to do some maintenance around here, mainly the right column.  Lists and links need to be updated as it has been more than quite some time since I have done anything.  That's another lower priority thing to get done, but it bugs me more and more so it will probably get done sooner than later.
  • Now, I think that I get 300 MB of memory a month for free from flickr.  I'll have to look into that later, or be lazy and let it play out.  So far, 1 pic seems roughly 1 MB.  I may learn to like flickr after all.
  • I'm sorry I haven't called you yet, Sis! I'm glad the appendix came out okay and I hope all is well with your new home and the kids. Send me pics!  I'll call you this weekend, I promise!
  • After work yesterday I went straight to an appointment I had at a local, well-regarded tattoo shop.  It has been 20 or more years since my last tattoo.  I spent about 3 and a half hours in the chair and received a touch up of two older tattoos and a new design to pull them together and another brand new one that I really like.  I won't post pics of them here, but you can get a hint from the bandages I took off this morning if you dare!  No, it's not really too gross and, yes, that is the paw of a bad kitty in the lower right corner.
Picture after the break

Monday, August 13, 2012

Photo Uploading and Final Compost Bin Pic

For about three and a half years I have uploaded pictures to this blog and my garden blog without a care in the world... until I could no longer post photos.  I didn't realize I had a limit of free space so I shared a lot of pics, 1 gigabyte, if I remember right (I forget those measures of memory sometimes, is that irony?).  So anyway, I had to venture out and do what I hate to do - sign up with another site.  I've been on the web for quite a while now but I have always been judicious about what I sign up with and why, so I hate this. 

I now have a flickr account.  I have finally figured out how to get the picture from there to here.  It's not quite as convenient as it used to be, but I will get used to it.  I'm not sure how this will change the viewing experience, but then, I guess if you didn't click on the pics at all then it will be pretty much the same.  Flickr is allowing me 300mb of space for free, so from this point on I will be more careful as to what pics I post.  I like using accent pics for the post I'm writing (like above), and I should be able to link to one in google pics or something for those occasions (again, like above), thereby saving my free space available in flickr.  Sorry folks, I think the Pic Dumps are dead.  If I do anything like any pic dump again it will only be for a very good reason.

Now, with all that said, it would feel like unfinished business if I didn't post the pic of the finished compost bin placed in the corner of the back yard near the gardens.  I also have to go update that site now.  PTFO

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