Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back To Work, Briefly

Yesterday I had my first follow up appointment, 2 weeks after back surgery.  This morning I took a note in to my place of work.  I walked through my area, only seeing one or two heads look up, to my supervisor's desk.  After chatting with him briefly I walked back through to leave.  It made me kind of sad.  I wanted to stop and talk to people but, when it comes right down to it, no one really cares.  There was a time and a (different) place where my workmates were some of my best buds.  Several of us would meet up outside of work and even vacation together.  Where I am now there are some very nice people but no one I trust completely or really even want to know better, anymore.  They all care about themselves mostly, and I can't blame them for that, I guess.  This is the third time I've been out for surgery in the last year so I have noticed this before, but it still makes me kind of sad and I know I will be a more closed, superficial person with them when I do go back to work.*

*Exceptions may be Cindy the guard and Keelan the receptionist, the two whom I've always talked with the most.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hung Over

They say you shouldn't blog when drunk.  I did that early this morning and, well, I don't think it turned out too bad.  I was just enjoying one of my favorite bands.  We went out for dinner and drinks with friends last night.  I can't remember when I last had more than 3 drinks, but I may have tripled that last night.  I am one hurting son of a gun today.  Thanks, Jack.

Blackie Rules!

There are many reasons why I like Blackie Lawless and some of them are here in this video from Tuesday in Athens, Greece. Despite his 'reborn christianity' or whatever, (he won't perform his more controversial earlier songs) he is still a helluva showman and I still love his music. He's one of the few I will do everything I can to go see whenever I get a chance. I saw W.A.S.P. back in 1984 opening for KISS, then I finally was able to see him again last year. My Review and Follow-up (with video) from back then.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Man Without A Facebook

I enjoyed this, for obvious reasons if you know me. Has anyone ever been able to successfully delete a facebook account? Not that I've ever heard. Why don't you try it?


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Every Argument Every Couple Ever Had

Every Argument Every Couple Ever Has EVER. from Casey Donahue on Vimeo.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bacon Cupcakes

I've been up to a whole lot of nothing lately.  I'm feeling better, I'm able to stagger around without the cane now, but I can't exercise yet and still take things very careful.  My day consists of staying out of my wife's way in the morning, showering, then watching TMOS (live podcast around 10:00am every day here).  After that it is mostly just a series of naps in the afternoon.

Jerome, eating his bacon cupcake!  Mmmm.
One thing that did happen over the weekend, Jerome and Lisa came over and grilled steaks on Saturday (and brought bacon cupcakes for dessert!). Because of all my medical stuff we haven't entertained this summer like we usually do, so it was nice to be social again even though I was drugged up and didn't move a lot. I've since mostly stopped taking the pain meds and muscle relaxers. I got tired of being foggy all the time. It sounds like we're going out to eat Saturday night and my Dad wants to see me for lunch on Thursday. I don't know what that is about yet, but there must be a reason. So, anyway, I am slowly trying to return to the land of the living. But until then it may continue to be slow around here. Bye for now.