Monday, May 16, 2011

Our 10th Anniversary Party

While Wednesday is our 10th wedding anniversary, we had our party last Saturday.  The weather was not as agreeable as last year, but the few that showed up seemed to have a good time.  The temperature only got up to the mid 50s and, while it did not rain all day leading up to the 3 o'clock party, it had been sprinkling on and off by 5, followed by a pretty steady soft, cold rain after that.  While we may have had up to 20 people overall, the most at any one time was, I think, 14 people.  All huddled up in the garage, eating, drinking and talking while the rain continued outside.  Eventually we moved into the porch for warmth when we were down to a half dozen or so guests.  I had tried to clear as much space as possible and cover up as much of my junk as possible in the garage for the party but the porch was our backup space and as it got colder after dark more time was spent there.

We found it perfectly understandable that most of the neighbors did not come out this year, and we were thankful for our friends that did.  We missed Bridget, she's having her own fun in New Orleans (lucky her!).  She and Zuben will be leaving our side of town to move in to their own new house on the west side in about a month.  Also, I've just about had it with Terry's sister, Becky.  Every time she comes over she has something negative to say about our home.  Nothing big, just a good little jab here or there, and I'm sick of it.  Next time it happens I plan on calling her on it.  I finally met our new neighbors from 2 doors down, Jason and Erin if I remember right.  I think they're from England.  Or rather, I'm assuming from their accents and the fact that we saw that they held a royal wedding party a few weeks ago.  I talked to them each quite a bit at the party but I never got around to asking them about that.  I found each to be very nice and I hope we get to visit with them again soon, though.  Perhaps we'll invite them up for a cookout some time this summer. 

I don't want to continue and forget anybody so let me say a blanket Thank You to all who came over and helped celebrate our anniversary.  This was the second in two years, perhaps next year will be a 3rd Annual!  Anyway, we had a whole lot of fun and hope you did, too, thank you!  And to my wife, Kate, Happy Anniversary and I love you!

All the party pics after the break.  Again, I'm not in them, I'm taking them!

Just Some Medical Updates

A good Monday morning to you!  I haven't been posting much the past few days, we have been preparing for - and recovering from - our anniversary party on Saturday.  That deserves it's own post later so now I just want to play catch-up and get my latest medical update on the record here.

On Thursday last week I had my first follow up appointment for my neck fusion.  Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I have no x-ray pic to share.  The implant was clearly visible in the x-rays taken that day, but it was troubling to see that one of the screws in the top vertebrae seemed to have broken loose and is now poking down into the area that was vacated by the disc.  Overall it should not be an issue, that disc space is already growing bone, but I am supposed to get a call from the neurosurgeon today with further explanation.  Plus, I got 90 more Percocet to help me with my back neck pain since I still can't take any NSAIDs.

Speaking of back pain, kinda, well it still lingers.  About six weeks now, since right after my neck surgery.  It has improved from its worst a couple weeks ago, but it just has not gone away yet.  I have not been doing as many exercises for it as I could be doing, but getting on and off the floor is pretty tough on my aching bones.  Still, if I can keep improving maybe I can convince myself that I won't need surgery on it this year.  Here's to hoping.

While I'm speaking medically, my leg has been still healing under me.  I rarely use the cane at home anymore, just when I go out and about.  Even then I should scale back on using it and practice walking without a limp or lurch.  Exercise will help that, too.  My last physical therapy appointment is this week, and it is time.  I've been seeing this therapist since last fall, it will be 21 visits overall, and I finally feel it is time to move on.  I've accomplished just about all I can in physical therapy for my leg, I'll just get some last advice and continue to exercise on my own.

That's all - isn't that enough?  I feel a need to chronicle the medical stuff in case I need to look back later, thank you for indulging me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hail Home Video

We've had our 'new' camera for quite some time now and the thought hit me this afternoon to try the video for the first time.

*I figured out that I felt poor due to a mild withdrawal from a certain medication (no narcotics or any fun stuff).  Knowing what it is and that I'm not going to come down with a severe cold or flu makes it easier to deal with.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Aaron Rodgers

Super Bowl MVP, dating SI swimsuit model Marisa Miller and hanging out at the Kentucky Derby.
Life must be good as the leader of the Pack...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pic Dump 29

Well, we're off to the local pub for happy hour and I won't be writing anything else tonight, so now is a good time to post another Pic Dump!  Here's all the pics that caught my eye/ tickled my funny bone/ gave me pause for one reason or another since the last Pic Dump.  Some you may have seen, some may be nsfw, click the pic for original size and just... enjoy!

This means a lot.  More after the break!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Weekend Full Of Projects

We got a ton of stuff done this weekend.  Nothing terribly major, just a bunch of smaller, detailed things like planting, assembling, painting, staining and repairing that just took some time and attention.  My wife did more than I, she did all the cleaning and laundry, too.  I'm pretty lucky to have her, our house that we keep improving and the stability that we enjoy in these wacky times.  Anyway, I did what I could and grunted and moaned my way through several projects.  I'm loving this time of Spring when plants are just coming up and the yard starts to come alive.  And there's nothing like the look of new mulch in Spring - too bad it only lasts a season.

Happy Mothers Day 2011

From The Mike O'Meara Show, Robb Spewak presents his Mama Montage.

Love you, Mom.  Hope you have a great day and you will see me soon!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Late Night Back Yard

I hate to disappoint anybody, but even though I officially quit smoking in late January 2010, I have been having about 1 or so a week for a month or two now.  What can I say?  I've been under much stress, my wife still smokes (not a lot, but still), and because I don't normally smoke I can catch a helluva buzz.  Anyway, tonight I stepped out on our new back steps for one and turned on the outside lights and really enjoyed the view so I wanted to share. --This is our back yard and we love it.