Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fat Cat Hiccups and Farts

Okay, I laughed when I saw this posted by Joanne yesterday and almost posted it here.  And then I laughed at it again when I heard it featured late the TMOS podcast today, and that was just the audio! So, here it is!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Clarence Carter - Strokin'

This is very inside joke stuff between me and friends I used to know and fun times on the reservation...  Enjoy it anyway, it has nsfw lyrics.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Self Indulgent Recap

Hello.  I hope you had a nice holiday weekend.  I did, mostly.  I haven't updated in a bit, so here's a short recap:

Over a week ago my sister finally came to visit. She brought her boyfriend, Dave.  It was my first time meeting him, but they have been seeing each other for quite some time now.  He was actually a real nice guy, and he'd better be - he's dating my sister!  Of course my sister's kids, James and Lindsey, came as well.  They will be 8 soon, I think.  Being the devious uncle that I am, (and knowing that it was gonna be real hot and I had already introduced them to squirtgun fights) I went with the water balloons!  We had a lot of fun!  Boy, they can tire me out, though.  I wish I had that energy sometimes.

The latter half of last week I was dealing with some back issues.  Nothing to be worried about, just one of the usual problems just popping up again.  I didn't even call the doctor.  If it would have lasted longer or been more severe, then some muscle relaxers would have helped, though.  Still would, actually...

Friday night Jerome and Lisa came over for a while to sit out by the fire.  We kind of intended to invite quite a few more, but my wife pointed out how she never gets a chance to talk to Lisa.  I agreed, they are nice, fun, relatively new friends that we enjoy lots.

Last Saturday was the first outing on our friend Terry's boat!  We went to the usual spot, and did the usual things.  It was a real nice day for it, the sun was shining and it got really hot.  I made myself go hatless mostly, so I wouldn't get the white forehead that I had last year!

Sunday we shopped. We got new hardware for the kitchen cabinets and a new light fixture for above the sink. We also bought a grill, a real, full-size, nice, gas grill. (I still want Mangrates, though!) We spent some time installing all the new kitchen hardware after we got home.  My wife thinks they look much more modern and I tend to agree.

Monday, Memorial Day, was spent mostly relaxing.  I went grocery shopping in the morning and we put together our new grill in the afternoon.  I went to bed about 7:30 and slept wonderfully until my alarm went off this morning.

There, caught up.  (Yes, I know, TMI for some, but this is for me.)  Some of these subjects deserve a more thorough look, but sometimes I just don't feel like writing.  Also, I've noticed, the longer it has been since I've posted, the harder it is to write.  Best done quickly before my memory fades...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oil Spill Deja Vu

This is an interesting look by MSNBC at the eerie similiarities between the oil spill in the gulf now and one that happened 31 years ago.  I saw this over at Bits & Pieces a couple of days ago and have been thinking of it since.  I was young and this was a million miles away to me, but I do seem to remember this happening.  I'm not going to go off on a ticked off rant, I'll just bite my tongue and state the obvious:  Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Libby's Libby's Libby's on the Label Label Labels

I came home early from work today so I (finally) went through all my labels since the beginning of this blog.  I was trying to make things easier to look up and group like items, etc.  It took about 3 hours, goddammit!!  The main distinctions I wanted to make were for pictures and music.  I wanted a clearer distinction between which pictures (and videos) were mine and which I reposted.   As for music, I wanted the music videos to stand out from regular videos that I embed now and again.

Hopefully it is a little clearer now.  I have 34 labels for about 272 posts now so hopefully I have most everything covered and won't need to add many -if any- more labels.  I've never looked too closely at other blog's labelling systems, I just made it up as I went along.  No wonder some editing was needed, eh?  Well, if you see something that doesn't make sense just leave me word in the comments and I'll see what I can do.  In the right column, I changed it from the label cloud back to just a list, as well.

I did notice some videos on some older posts have disappeared, the ones that I uploaded directly to Blogger.  I also noticed that I can no longer upload a video directly to Blogger so I will have to learn how to upload to my Youtube account then embed my videos here.  Therefore those old videos will only be reposted if I feel the need.  Y'know, Google owns it all - my gmail accounts, Blogger, Youtube, and half the known universe by now...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flowerbeds and Blooms

We got some yard and garden work done yesterday, so of course I had the camera!  Flower beds are here, but since the garden has it's own page you can read about that on my garden blog.

The Peonies are starting to open!

The majority of the Iris' are these yellow ones, but if you look close there are a couple pink ones and soon at least one purple one.  Many seem not to be flowering this year, so hopefully there will be more pink and purple next year.  The purple puffballs things on the right are pretty much done.  When they go to seed later I will sprinkle them around that same area to fill it out more next year.

This area around the tree is mostly hostas, the one Bleeding Heart bush, and lots of old mulch and weeds.  The long term plan here is to rake out all the crap and put down some fabric and fresh mulch.  I kept it weeded pretty well last year but it seems like quite the daunting task this year.

At this corner of the garage there were some lily of the valley that were not doing so well because of too much sun.  My wife replanted those further up along the garage and planted this lavender plant at that corner.  The plant was a gift from Zubin at our anniversary party.  Thanks Z!

Yes, all is right in my world today...