Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

(click for bigger)

Update:  I spent about 70 bucks, but I couldn't find the Godiva liqueur she wanted so I got Bailey's and Tequila Rose instead.  Also, no decent chocolate was left so I got a bag of Hershey's Kisses.  It will have to do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pic Dump 26

It has been over a month since I've dumped all those pics I come across that tickled my fancy for one reason or another so I guess it's time to do it again!  Remember, there is no real rhyme or reason for this collection of pics.  Don't judge me!  Same as always, click the pic for original size, some are nsfw and more after the break!

Of course, thanks to the fine sites on My Other Favorites list on the right!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ever Been This Drunk?

Jonco's betting you've never been this drunk.  Maybe not, but I have been embarrassingly close a couple times.  All I really know right now is that I have not laughed so hard in quite a while, but I am in a mood.   Nsfw, at your on risk, et cetera.  Click here.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Super Bowl and Time Management

Yes, I have been ignoring the blogosphere the last few days.  If you somehow haven't heard, the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl Sunday night.  Since then, most of my computer time has been for soaking up anything and everything Packers with a little trying to keep up with my podcasts.  Anyway,  I'm back... And the Green Bay Packers are Super Bowl Champions!  Woohoo!!

I have noticed these past few days how I've been too busy.  Too much of my time is taken up reading the paper and scouring the web.  Enough so that I'm actually considering discontinuing the daily paper and just getting the Sunday edition (or I think they make you get Sunday and Wednesday minimum - because of the ads, of course).   I have read the daily newspaper since I was a kid almost continuously so that would be a much bigger change in my lifestyle than it sounds.

I need to scale back on my computer time as well.  I don't follow nearly as many blogs as I used to, but some of the inane timewaster sites can go.  Yet I browse those while listening to podcasts.  Hmmm, I'm going to have to give up something I enjoy, most likely.  I have an addictive personality with big OCD tendencies, which is probably how I got into all these things.  Giving something up shouldn't be too hard for me once I put my mind to it.  But deciding what goes is gonna be a killer.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

One Day Until The Big Game!

The Black And White News has put together a very good motivational video for Packer fans.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

UK, Great Britain, England...

This is one of my 'I think I know it when I see it but don't ask me to explain it' things, explained.  Still, how does that go again?


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard '11

If you haven't heard, much of the midwest and northeast have been pummelled with snow, ice and wind.  Our neighborhood is no different.  The snow and wind were nonstop last night and we awoke to the last snow showers and falling winds that became sunshine by midday.

Once more I must praise my wife for tackling this challenge with minimal help from me.  She really is wonderful, and will be not wonderfully sore after this.  This is looking towards the end of our driveway:
Before:  blinding white masses.

After:  some perspective now, eh?

Click for full size, or just click read more for these and some more before and after shovelling shots.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mystery Shoveller And Traffic

The mystery shoveller has struck again!  It again snowed this morning starting about the time I left and ending sometime around noon.  When I got home a bit ago the whole walk, steps and driveway were shovelled, except for a small bit in the middle of the driveway.  I did not surprise anyone off, but there is some ice in that area so I wonder if the mystery shoveller slipped and said 'enough'.  I, oddly, talked to 4 different neighbors on the street when I got home and, of course, no one saw a thing.  Hmmm.  Well, there will be more snow in the next few days so I guess we'll see if it happens again!  I'd like to know who to thank!

In another odd happening lately, my traffic has jumped significantly lately to well over 30 hits a day average for this past week and a half.  Hi everyone!  Set a spell, take your shoes off.  Seriously, I get a lot of hits because of my pic dumps and as far as I can tell some popular site must have linked to the 'People In Animal Costumes' pic dump since that seems to have drawn the most attention lately.  Also, if you ever make it to the bottom of this page you will have noticed a few trackers in the right column.  Those were added early New Year's Day and are kind of neat, I think.

Well, thanks for visiting and if I find out who you are, mystery shoveller, you're going to get the biggest most heartfelt 'thank you' you've ever received!

*Update:  Today's shovelling was done by my father in law.  But he is still adamant that he did not do it the first time, and with more snow coming we'll see what happens!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Cat Who Lives In A Tree

via here and here

Friday, January 28, 2011

Teach Me How To Raji

...9 more days              GO PACK GO!

The original 'Teach Me How To Bucky' here.