Saturday, September 4, 2010

Recounting The ER

Well, I said I would recount my visit to the ER.  I was in exceptional pain at that time, so the following is the gist of what I can remember in that haze.  Facts may differ slightly, as may the timeline of some things.   This may be hard to read for those close to me.  It is upsetting for me to write.

The ambulance guys were nice, efficient and professional, and very understanding of the amount of pain I was in.  They gave me 100 mg of Fentanil, I think.  It seemed to me to be the most they could do.  When I got to the ER they told that to the nurse and also told them that it didn't even touch my pain.  The nurse shot me up with what she said was a double dose of Dilaudid, which did bring my screams down to a dull roar.  I do remember her saying, "Stop screaming!"  My breathing was still rapid and labored trying to deal with the pain.  This may have been the point that the young ER doctor, who still thought I had just twisted my knee, picked up my leg and straightened it out and back a couple times.  This made me scream bloody murder like I never thought I could.  It. Was. Brutal.  I yelled at him to stop, between my gutteral screams.  What followed was a shot of Morphine that did nothing for me.  I think around now they tried to get x-rays, but I could not be moved so the did their best and did manage to get their pics.  After that everyone was noticably nicer to me - the x-rays showed them how horrific my injury really was - and I got another shot of Dilaudid.  Finally the painkillers stopped my screaming, yet it was wearing off fast.  I begged them to knock me out over and over but I got nothing else until I was in the OR.  At one point I remember a rather large man talking forcefully to me about due to the violent nature of my injury if anyone did this to me or if anything else happened besides what I had told them.  I didn't see him again and, looking back, I believe it may have been some sort of cop.

That is mostly what I remember.  Definitely not everything that happened but in my state at the time I wish I could forget it all.

Edit: I should note that the accident happened at about 4:00 and I was wheeled into OR about 8:00, 4 hours later.  A long 4 hours in some ways.  As quick as they could, I am certain.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Stepping Out, So To Speak

I had a doctor appointment this morning for my upper back.  It just confirmed what I already know but there's not a whole lot to be done about it until this busted thigh bone thingy is more under control (meaning less pain and more mobility).  I don't want to have to go to PT like this and I can't have an MRI with the brace on my leg (not to mention the staples in my leg!).  So, I just have to deal with it until we are better able to treat it.  I did get another prescription that is supposed to help with the inflammation of my back and the nerve that is giving me pain in my arm and numbness in my hand, though.

So this morning was very busy (mostly for Kate, of course) getting me cleaned up, dressed, and transported across town.  Very tiring and trying for both of us.  Shortly after we got home I ended up dozing until just recently, it really wiped me out.  My next scheduled foray out into the world is next Friday, a follow-up appointment for my leg.

I know blogging has been different around here lately.  I am not able to spend much time on the computer so I am trying to let everyone know how we are doing here so they don't feel the need to call constantly.  I know it is all well intentioned, but truthfully I am sick of repeating myself, and that's just to the medical staff!  I told the nurse this morning that I had written out how it happened on my website and I should probably just print it out for the next dozen or so inquirers!

Anyway, this is what I am dealing with so this is what I am writing about.  I want to thank everyone for all their well-wishes and nice comments (even though they don't comment here).

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Fall

We had a nice visit with Lori (from my work) yesterday.  It sounds like the main rumor there is how drunk was he?   Well, lol, sorry to disappoint everybody but I hadn't had a drink at all.  Here's what happened:

I got home from work about 10 or 5 minutes to 4:00.  After dropping off all my junk inside I took a walk out to the back yard to check out the garden and pick up sticks if needed.  This is something that I do almost every day.  I'm still infatuated with being a homeowner so I go out sometimes just to admire what's mine and Kate's.  Strawberry runners are always trying to escape the garden, and the way our tree in back sheds sticks and branches has been well documented here.  All in all, maybe 5 minutes tops.

For some reason I was just doing a fast jog back to the house.  By the side door is a cement landing maybe 7 feet long with two wooden steps down to the back and two cement steps to the front.  I caught my foot going up the back steps and stumbled across the landing and down the other side, landing in a heap.  I laid there, unable to move my leg, for maybe 10 minutes until a neighbor got home and heard me yell.  Time; about 4:10.

She was very helpful.  I expected my wife home about 4:20 unless she had to stay a little late, which is a real possibility on Fridays.  My neighbor called the ambulance, helped clean up the blood off of me, grabbed my ID from inside and locked my doors.  The ambulance arrived followed shortly by my wife, about 4:20.

I don't remember how I fell exactly or anything, I wish I could block out the whole thing.  But there it is in a nutshell.  At a later date I will recount the emergency room.  I have had enough of these memories for now...

I do know that everyone at work has access to read my words here.  That was my choice, this blog isn't about work at all so if they're looking for dirt professionally or even personally it won't be found here.  I share what I choose, but I have no real secrets anyway.  So, if you are a co-worker who reads this, welcome!  If you have any questions or anything to say at all please leave a comment below or email me at scoakatsblog at gmail dot com!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lost Promotion

Today I was supposed to start training for a new position at my company - a promotion.  HR, my new bosses, and I decided that I would remain in my current position right now.  They can't hold up the class and I would be playing catch-up for months whenever I do return.  All while hobbling to and from work and physical therapy.  I'm disappointed, but there will be other job postings.

Things are hard here at home, too.  The last thing in the world I want to do is frustrate my wife, but it will happen.  I depend on her for everything right now.  (What would a single person with no close family do in this position?  Scary to think.)  I'm trying to get about more on my own but, really, I can only do so much right now.

Good news:  I ordered some books on Monday that will arrive today to help me fill the hours.  And a good friend from work is stopping by briefly this afternoon to lift my spirits and take some of the massive amounts of herbs we have in the garden.  Speaking of which, I had my wife take the end of the month garden pics for me yesterday so I can update my garden blog (listed on the right).

That's it for now.  My time on the computer must be limited to short periods since I sit mostly upright and my leg swells.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Well, That's What I Get For Whining

Friday afternoon, shortly after arriving home from work, I took a helluva spill on the concrete steps outside and broke my right femur.  I spent all weekend in the hospital, arriving home last night.  It was baaad.  I was rushed into surgery as soon as a room was open.  No waiting for the swelling to go down, no pumping my stomach.  Pain, pain, pain.  Son of a bitch...

But I'm okay and being well taken care of, so please don't worry.  It will be a trying couple of months coming up, but I will heal.

I will be away from the computer much of the time, so I will share more when possible.  I don't know what else to say now, so until later...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'm obviously not getting my meds refilled tonight, but I did get an appointment with my regular doctor on Monday.  So I'm not going to feel guilty about indulging in drink just for tonight.  The Packers play in about a half hour and my lovely wife is cooking me corn on the cob and grilled brats right now. 

Who am I to whine about pain?


Fire Tornado

This is a first for me!  I didn't know this was possible...

Via ZanyPickle!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

VY Canis Majoris

Here is a good reminder of how insignificant we really are in the universe.  I love these space/perspective things.

Thanks to Jonco

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I'm still here.  I have been on meds and resting my back all week so I haven't really felt like posting anything.  Finishing the detail work in the bathroom is paused, along with everything else I could be doing.

I'm sure regular posting will resume shortly.  Thank you.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bathroom Paint Update

So, this little bathroom -that's even mostly tile and shower, not much wall to paint- has been dragging on for several reasons.  First, there was a botched first attempt.  A little too much sand in the paint and only 1 quart of paint, theoretically should have been enough yet not.  So I got to buy an electric sander to make the walls smooth again and a whole gallon of paint for the next go-round.  These pics are before and after the first try.

Sunday the bathroom was repainted correctly and Monday I removed the tape.  All that is left is a little detail work.  I bought one of those tiny brushes to  touch up the paint lines, and I still have to touch up the ceiling a bit where I brushed it accidentally.  I have been waiting and spacing it out so much because of a familiar problem, a back problem.  The same lingering problem for about a month now but I am at my wits end with it.  I may be seeing a doctor tomorrow.  They already gave me drugs once without seeing me. I think they will want to see me for further treatment, we'll see what happens.