Monday, October 17, 2022

First Snow 2022, Ramp Talk

We got our first snow of the season this morning, and some more about mid-day, I think.  I snuck out and got this picture, but I was too busy with work to notice if it got whiter out.  It was all gone this afternoon, of course.  The next couple days are going to be cold with freezing possible, but the weekend is supposed to be really nice for October, so I will be busy working outside or down at my Mom's all weekend.

The ramp project is going well, pretty much according to plan but plans evolve.  Getting the angle at the bottom is tough, but I don't want it to be a trip hazard.  And the posts for the rail are higher up the ramp because they need something to bolt to so I'm thinking of looking for some kind of bracket for a third post.  You'll see what I mean soon.


Blue Witch said...

Snow already? Yikes! Is that earlier than normal?

Scoakat said...

Yes, but not by much. October 27 is average. Our high temperature yesterday was 41ºF, and the news said it's been 180 days since we were that cold for a high temperature, so about half a year.

delcatto said...

I thought the same, that it has arrived early.

41° F is cold for October! As I get older I feel and dislike the cold more.

Scoakat said...

But a beautiful weekend now! Back to shorts and bare feet, if only temporarily.