Saturday, October 10, 2020

Showered With Leaves

Tonight as I sat by the fire, I looked up.  It was about 20 minutes after sunset, which is when bats can start being seen flying above and I like to watch for them.  What happened next was a lot of leaves showering down on and around me.  I never did notice any bats while watching the leaves.

It's fall and leaves are changing, but neighbor Dave's three Black Walnut trees are always the first to lose their leaves.  And conveniently, mind you, as they are not good for compost or mulch in the flowerbeds.  They can wash out the color of flowers and we have a lilac under them that proves it.  I usually mulch them into the lawn with the mower and harvest the later leaves, mostly maple, for mulch around the yard.

That's almost it for my firewood until Tuesday, just a small pile left after this weekend.  On Friday I was looking ahead and put in an order to have another face cord of mixed hardwoods delivered.  I still have plenty of time for having fires before winter sets in, after all.  

First face cord took 2 years to burn.  Second face cord, only 3 months.  Thanks, 2020.


delcatto said...

It's quite restful watching them fall.

Blue Witch said...

The wood burns faster the older we get.

Scoakat said...

It was a restful evening, overall. The back yard is now covered in those leaves, I'll have to mulch them soon.

Yes, it does, BW. But considering that's really all I've done recreationally outside the house this year, three months ain't all bad. We'll see how much I get through before old man winter forces me back inside!

Scoakat said...

Oh, and with the cooler weather and less insects I may not see many more bats this year. I wish them well and hope to see even more next year.