Saturday, September 19, 2020

Friday Firepit and Cat Box Update

Last night was the first time I had a chance to have a firepit for two weeks now, and it was very nice to once again sit by the fire and ponder life's meaning.  After the last fire I was on vacation for a week so, of course, every day was wet.  Off work all week and I couldn't even do what I look forward to the most, this year anyway.  Then this past week I was back at work, so I couldn't wait for Friday night.  Oh, I could have a fire during the week but it does put a damper on it knowing I have to get up early the next day.  Tonight, Terry and Becky are coming over to celebrate my and Terry's birthday - postponed from last Saturday.  It will be nice to visit again and catch up around the fire.

The bright dot is the ISS flying left to right across the sky last night.  Below and a bit to the right is the North Star, and on the right side is Cassiopeia with the top left dot of the W obscured by light pollution.  I could still see the Big Dipper over the garage, getting lower in the sky, and later I even saw Orion and his belt hiding behind one of the trees.  The ISS will be flying by again tonight at 8:02, 63 minutes after sunset.

The cat box project is coming along.  I was thinking I started it years ago but it was actually June of 2019, I'd just been thinking of doing this for years now to help contain the mess.  The biggest problem was that nothing under the stairs was square.  I had gotten everything pretty square last year except for one piece that had to be replaced, but I had that piece cut and painted already, just not installed.  With that installed I was able to build the drawer but then it's been pretty much waiting for paint to dry between coats.  The drawer is now installed as of yesterday, and the cat box is moved into it, so it's about 90% done.  All that's left is a walkway so the cats can go from the bottom stair over to the drawer without stepping paw on the floor.  This way I don't have to do anything for them on the occasions a few times a year when water comes in.  I built and started to paint that walkway today, so it shouldn't be long now and I can finally share with you my latest DIY creation.


Blue Witch said...

Hope you're having a good time around the fire!

The blue trace in the top picture is interesting. What were you burning to get it?

Cassiopeia seems to be MIA in our sky at the moment. No idea where it has gone! There have been several really clear nights recently, and the Milky Way is totally breathtaking. There are so many stars visible on such nights, with no light pollution at all, that it is hard to work out the constellations.

I hope those cats appreciate how lucky they are - am looking forward to seeing the completed project.

delcatto said...

I miss being able to view the night sky and the cheap Dobson telescope I bought years ago remains unused in the box. The new houses they built at the back of our house has extremely bright street lighting and the light pollution is bad.
I might try again this autumn, take it out and give it a go.

I too am looking forward to seeing the finished cat project.

Scoakat said...

Hi guys! It was a very nice evening last night, thanks. The specific product is called Colorful Fire, but there are others out there to make colored flames. I just ordered a different one now from Amazon, thanks for the reminder! I believe it is just a dust of different metals that burn different colors. They say they're safe, but don't cook over it.

I feel for you, Delcatto, and I'm envious of BW. While I'm grateful I can see as much as I can in my little slice of sky and being right in the city, I know it's certainly nothing like BW's clear view of the galaxy. Every night when you can look out and see all those stars, BW, know that most do not have or may not appreciate that view anymore. Cassiopeia is there, she's just waiting for you to find her. ;)

Lazy day today watching the Packers game and housework, so only one coat of paint added on one side today. I should get another coat on each side tomorrow and have the cat box area pretty well finished this week.

Blue Witch said...

But... we had to move 300 miles north to get our clear sky back. It's been disappearing year on year down south, as development has happened all around, and it is so lovely to be back to how we were 25 years ago.

In another 25 years we probably won't be around to see it happen all over again up here.