Yesterday evening I noticed that something had been digging in the area of that chipmunk den, but did not dig around the brick I had covering the old hole, and I don't think it got in. I knew I wouldn't be able to drive a chipmunk to another location until after work, so I waited to set the live trap. After work I cleaned up the area again and set it with the usual peanut butter.
Maybe an hour later I heard it go off. Nice to meet you, Mr. Squirrel! Definitely not who I was after, so after a few pictures I let him go right there. He scampered straight away to the back of the yard and under the firewood, I believe.
This live trap is just big enough, but not meant for a squirrel. The damage to the trap that you see in closeups is mostly from last June when a squirrel would not leave the inside eaves of the garage. I wasn't going to leave my garage open overnight, so I set the trap and closed it up. The next morning there was a pretty ticked off squirrel. I'm not sure how long he was in the trap, but a few more hours and he may have broken out.
So, that tells me that's enough of the live trapping of small animals until and unless there becomes another nuisance. Let's hope that's not anytime soon.
Ain’t No Snow Shovel
2 days ago
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