I've never really discussed my job here on purpose, but I have mentioned over the last year or more how unhappy I was and that I was searching for another position. Well, I finally found that other position - and with my current employer instead of starting over someplace else. Last Monday I accepted a job that I used to have several years ago but was forced to leave the department back then due to the company losing a contract. Technically, it is a lower position, and even though I was prepared to take a pay cut I will continue at my current rate, which is very nice.
I begin my new job a week from tomorrow, and I can hardly wait. It feels like a weight is being lifted from me. I'll be working with most of the same group that I did back then, and that may be the best part as they are lovely people. Making it through this last week in my current position will be the tough part. Hopefully, less stress and worry will improve all facets of my life and I'll just be an overall happier person. That's the goal, anyway.
I would love to elaborate, but this is not a place for me to discuss work. I want my life outside of work to be free of thinking about work, and that includes sharing too much about it here.
The picture has nothing to do with this, it was just my view last night as I sat by the fire. It's just so nice and calming, watching the flames and getting lost in thought...
Ain’t No Snow Shovel
2 days ago
Congratulations and good luck!
Thanks again, Declan!
Excellent! Hope it meets all your expectations.
Thanks, BW! I know most of the people and though processes have changed I know the job. I thoroughly enjoyed being there then and expect the same this time.
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