I was just looking back at the past few NYE posts on here. From my griping about going down to the bar to last year's plans to stay in but canceling the party because my wife was ill. I also noticed that I used to do morning after posts. I'll have to see how I feel about that tomorrow. Tonight we'll be having a few people over for food, drinks and games. It should be fun, but I should probably try to get a nap in before they get here. Again, I'll be the oldest one in the house tonight, I need my rest...
Happy New Year to you all. The ones I read, the ones I love, all my friends and all of you who take the time to read me. Whether you comment or not, I can see you're there. Thank you.
Don't worry, I'm fine. I was on my way back from my yearly haircut (Hi Laura!) on the other side of town, and I was almost home, when I was hit from behind. Traffic came to a stop rather quickly and all stopped but the person behind me, who admitted she was changing lanes and was looking back when it happened. Yes there was the cops, a tow truck and a witness who kindly stopped and gave me her information. Good times. I am getting a bit sore now, and I am somewhat surprised by that as it was not a high speed accident, I was stopped at the time. I'll deal with the insurance companies more tomorrow. Tonight I'm gonna make a few drinks. Good times, indeed.
'Good' news, the tow truck driver cut the plastic away from the tire so I could drive it home. Rear door won't open.
Doro Pesch released this early in 2016 on her "Love's Gone To Hell" EP. One year on from losing Lemmy, she put out the video for their duet, It Still Hurts. Strangely appropriate, now. RIP Lemmy.
I've known for a while that I should post something for the holiday. Days passed, but nothing I saw appealed to me or inspired me so I just kept procrastinating until here we are, now. It has been well documented here in years past my dislike of holidays and travel, so I won't go into that. I've read enough negativity this holiday season and maybe you have, too. So before I start sounding grumpy, just know that wherever you are and whatever you are doing I hope it is enjoyable for you and yours. Cheers!
Two weeks ago I wrote about our first snow. It was 5 inches, officially, and we got about the same last weekend. Now, this weekend, we are having another 'snow event.' It started snowing early this afternoon and it is forecast to be about 9 inches or so by the time it ends Saturday night. We'll probably go out to clear the walks either tonight or tomorrow morning (hopefully not both), and then when it finishes up. Temps have been in the teens and single digits recently, but after the snow we go further into a deep freeze for a day or two. What the hell! Why the weekends?
Yup. Just like riding a bike, here in Wisconsin! In fact, I'm sure some literally still will.
Dee Snider posted a video for a song called 'So What' off his recently released solo album, We Are The Ones. If I remember right, his son directed the video and the crew had an interesting experience filming - scenes from some of the 'riots' included. The censored version was released yesterday, this uncensored version was released today. It says the F word a few times, is all. After a few listens yesterday and tonight, I find it to be a good song and a good adaptation of it to current events.
It started snowing this morning and fell steadily all day until recently. We just came in a little bit ago from clearing the driveway and walks, at almost sunset. A wet, heavy 3 or 4 inches of the stuff. I was going to post a picture I took earlier but I changed my mind and decided to post some short videos I took today of the cats by the front windows. See, I had laces delivered for my boots earlier today and during the Packer game I decided to change them out. The cats were fascinated with this process so when I got done I gave them the old laces to play with, draping them over their throne.
You can see plenty of our first snow in the back of the videos while enjoying a short video of our adorable cats! The first video is Hamish, clearly the leader in this kind of play. Second is Basil, taking a turn after Hamish got a little tired (yet he still jumps in at the end!).
After the break is a Hamish video that I uploaded first mistakenly and can't make myself remove it since it's already uploaded. Just more kitty cuteness with freaking snow in the background.
I'm over 50, married and child-free. My wife and I have a home not far from downtown Madison, Wisconsin, since 2009. I like music, taking pictures and good humor - plus writing about it all here. I am still not on farcebook or other social media, only Blogger and YouTube. Email me at scoakatsblog@gmail.com. I check it every so often.