Sunday, October 2, 2016

October This-And-Thats

You know the drill.  Sit, type, see what comes out.  Here we go!

  • I've not been posting so much this summer, but I think I hit most all the highlights.  I may have missed a boat trip or a couple fire pits, for example, but not all has to be documented here.  I've also scaled back my commenting on other's sites.  It's just been summer, there have been other things to do, is all.  I also don't want to be the guy that comments all the time and for no particular reason.  I do need to wish Delcatto a happy birthday, however.  I'll jump over there now and return the greetings, be right back.  
  • Besides not writing as much, I've just generally been neglecting my corner of the internet this summer.  I've had a broken counter widget for some time now, over 5 years of a running count, now gone.  And recently all my link lists in the right column have disappeared.  The blogs I read, my other favorite sites and my favorite bands.  Poof.  Gone.  I have all the links either in my favorites or they are easily searchable, but what a pain.  I've looked for where I can try to get some support from blogger but only find articles that do not help me at all.  I don't know why they disappeared but I'm sure my only recourse is to replace them.  Sigh.  I'll get around to website maintenance one of these days, but don't hold your breath.
  • Early this summer I was having issues with my sinuses.  For several years now I seem to have been developing allergies and this was the worst year yet.  I tried a couple things to keep my nose open, eventually turning to a medicated nasal spray.  Now, a few months later, I find myself dependent on that spray to breathe through my nose.  The spray makes my sinuses so clear that I get used to that, then when I'm even partially clogged it bothers me.  Weening myself off the spray has been miserable and, so far, unsuccessful.
  • Speaking of summer, it is now over.  The weather has taken a turn for the cooler and skies have been more gray than blue recently and for the foreseeable future.  We still have much to do in the yard before winter arrives, but there is time yet.  The leaves in the trees are still green, well, for the most part.

Well, a short This-And-Thats post this time but that's all I can think of at the moment.  I notice that I mentioned 'summer' in each of my points above.  That will probably be the last time that happens this year.  Happy Autumn, everybody!


delcatto said...

Happy Autumn Scott!
Sadly the wet weather has arrived by the bucket load although the scents of autumn and the colours of the trees makes up for it all.
I have neglected my own blog but am now catching up.
Sorry to hear about your sinuses. As a fellow sinus sufferer I know it can make ones life miserable.

Scoakat said...

Happy Autumn to you, too, Declan!
Oddly, we are almost 80º today! But more and more seasonable as the week progresses.
I've been off the sinus spray for over a week, back to normal stuffiness. I had to go cold turkey, it was an awful weekend.
I'm in the midst of ideas/writing a T-A-T pt 2, hopefully I'll get it posted sometime this week.