- I've been overdue to update the garden site. We've had a lot of rain recently and the plants have been growing well. According to our rain gauge, we had about 8.5 inches in a 4 day stretch last week, and some pretty severe storms. I got home one day and the street was blocked off just past our house due to downed branches and phone, cable and power lines. There were similar or worse scenes all around the region. I wanted to post about it but I don't want to show my neighbor's houses. I can choose to post our own house, but even then I've blocked out the street numbers before.
- Speaking of the garden - well, I started to - salad greens have been ready and we got some more from a friend so we have been eating a lot of salads lately. Kate has been eating more than I since I tend to tire of them after a couple days. Steaks on the grill tonight!
- I'm taking a bit of time off this week and I really have nothing planned. No projects, no nothing. I'm starting to feel a bit guilty about being lazy, but I really need my batteries recharged. I've been almost constantly training in one thing or another at work since last August and my brain is tired. I have a U.D.O. concert dvd that I haven't watched yet - there, now I have plans tomorrow.
- I got a laugh from this fact about Wisconsin, via a very interesting article at Huffington Post that my wife pointed out to me: 'With a population of 5,664,893, Wisconsin has only 57 fewer drinking places (3,043) than California (3,100), a state with a population of 39,969,200.' And 'Wisconsin had nearly three times more bars than grocery stores.' It is an interesting article that covers a lot of things we're known for here, and not just drinking.
- We've had fun getting together with friends for fun and family for Father's Day recently. We were going to have our spring party last weekend, but a few weeks ago, right before we started plans in earnest, we got a flier on our door for the 3rd annual street block party. Just the same, the timing wasn't the best for us this year to throw a big shindig like we have almost every year since we moved here. We have not gone up to the street's block party (held on the next block) yet, it seems like it is more of a families with kids thing. Or maybe that's just an excuse. I like to think we are friendly with most all our neighbors, but we are actually pretty private, too.
The Pie is Falling
5 days ago
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