Saturday, November 9, 2013

New Windows and a New Outlook*

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20131105 034 b
The cosmetics have changed a bit, for the better, we think.  We really like the black cladding around the windows.  Inside, the windows are wood grain that matches the trim throughout the house.  These windows are clearer, easier to clean and much more efficient.

It's a lot of money to spend and not have anything to play with.  Heck, we hardly even see them.  These shorter days have blinds shut and curtains drawn so early.  Still, we're glad we got them and should never have to replace them again.

Now we want a new front screen door and porch light, black to match.  We could also repaint the foundation and hand rails.  But I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there will always be something.

*The 'new outlook' reference in the title refers to a recent abrupt change in my career path. Not changing employment, just departments.  And still upward, just not the route I foresaw.  Unfortunately this all came under, well, I shall say odd, awkward and unforeseen circumstances. Boy, it's a good thing this blog isn't about work!

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