Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quireboys on Youtube

I was just browsing Youtube and found some live Quireboys from last week.  I was lucky enough to see them about 20 years ago on tour in the states with L.A. Guns.  I was prepared as well.  I bought their album "A Bit Of What You Fancy" right after I bought the tickets - about 2 months before the show.  I liked L.A. Guns already, obviously, and wanted to know what I was going to hear from the first band.  I was fascinated, and enjoyed their performance immensely.

 I was front and center for that show, at the Barrymore Theater.  (On a side note, that would be walking distance now.)  I even met most members of both bands after the show at the Black Bear Lounge.  The Black Bear used to be the Heavy Metal Bar in Madison at the time so, of course, after show parties were directed there.  I was drunk as hell that night but I remember having a great conversation (and shots) with Spike, the singer.  I also remember many other sordid yet drunken tales about that evening that I can't divulge here, as well....

Anyway, it was nice to be young...  Enjoy the vid!

Drinking and posting don't usually go together, but I like the Quireboys and now I'm going to watch their concert DVD on my computer.  Have a great weekend!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Notes

I noticed that I have been lacking posts the last few days.  My back has still been a bother so I have just been surviving the daily grind, is all.   Today my wife and I got a lot of chores and errands done, as well as meeting up with my Mom and her fiance, Dan, for lunch.  Mom always wants to go to a certain italian restaurant every time she talks about meeting us for lunch.  Instead, I suggested a local family-run restaurant/bar that my wife and I enjoy nearby.  I think they thought it was a fine lunch.  Even though this place does have a varied menu, it does lean more towards breakfast and dinner.  They do serve most dinners all day, but we mostly opted for burgers (always good) for lunch. 

My wife and I have been there plenty of times for lunch, a couple times for breakfast on Saturdays, but have never gone in the evening for dinner or drinks.  Still, they recognize us by now so it is a friendly, local place to go...  and we do need to get out more often.  There are several places we would like to check out on this side of town, yet never get up the gumption to do it.  We don't really have a night life like we did 10 years ago.

I guess I'm getting old, lazy, or both.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This has been making the rounds lately.  I wasn't going to post it until I saw Joanne post it and, well, I had nothing else to say today.  As for the video, I keep thinking that I could do the makeup better - unless I had to do it on myself.  If he did his makeup himself with a mirror then he deserves his kudos.  Rock and Roll!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Random Acts Of Reality

Tom Reynolds Brian Kellett has quit his job as an EMT/Ambulance Driver in London to move into a position as an Urgent Care Nurse Practitioner at a hospital.  I have been reading his blog, Random Acts Of Reality, about his life on an ambulance in London and more for a very long time.  It is one of the first and longest followed blogs that I read, if that makes sense.  I wish him the best of luck and will continue to follow his blog!  Give him a visit to hear his reasons for the career change.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Thanks Joanne!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Back in Action, Or Not.

Well, that didn't take long.  Starting Tuesday my upper back started locking up on me.  No worries, I had some medicine and finally got the muscle relaxers I needed this afternoon.  Most importantly I haven't needed to miss any time at work and now with the right meds tomorrow should be an okay day.  So until I have something more important to post, why don't you check out our garden here (or on the right).  We just picked the garlic!