Monday, August 31, 2009

So, how evil is your cat?

Here's a fun quiz if you have a cat. I scored 83 with my wife's cat in mind.Via I have seen the whole of the internet

I'll try a more personal update tomorrow. Really not in the mood tonight.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Official God FAQ

The Official God FAQ

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just because I find Space fascinating, that's why.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Humans - homo sapiens

I find this hilarious. This was a prank, but I really don't see why this kind of sign shouldn't be in a zoo. Pause it and you can read the sign, fullscreen helps.

via Attu

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chicken, Friends, Football

Hello, just a middle of the week blog post here. Not much going on, just the usual daily grind. My wife is cooking a whole chicken, so tonight I eat well!

We're having friends over Friday night for the Green Bay Packers game. It's a late start, 9:00 pm, so I hope to get a short nap in first. (Is that me showing my age?) I'm looking forward to it! Pizza, beer and NFL Football! My only concern is that we have no real good seating in one room for entertaining. We have our two recliners and the dining table and chairs. I guess we'll see what happens. Perhaps we'll all alternate as the game progresses, or the girls may go out on the porch to talk, we'll figure it out.

Speaking of football, the Wisconsin Badgers should be starting soon. I followed them as much as I could, but for the last couple of weeks I've been burnt out on the "filler" type articles on little known kids that have yet to do anything. Sorry, just prioritizing what junk I fill my brain with every day. Still, once it becomes game week, count me all in!

Have a good week, all, and don't let the supposedly upcoming cooler weather get you down yet! Last I saw forecast was a high in the 60's for this Saturday. That would be kinda cool on the lake.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ace Frehley - Anomaly 'commercial'

This cheesy 'commercial' is hilarious! See Uncle Lumpy? That could be me (in another existence)!

Well, here I sit

Well, here I sit, at the computer. There are more productive things I could be doing today, but I'm really not feeling very healthy or active. My wife is out on the boat this afternoon; I declined. It's not the warmest weekend we've had and I just decided not to go. There are things I've needed to get to on the computer, so that seems to be what I shall do today.

Meanwhile, there are several more albums to be released soon that I am looking forward to. I have to pay attention or these things can get by me these days!

Oct 6 Kiss - Sonic Boom (first new stuff in like 11 years!)
Oct 12 WASP - Babylon
and on Sept 15 Ace Frehley - Anomaly!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

U.D.O. - Dominator - Out Now!!

U.D.O.'s new album 'Dominator' is released tomorrow... which must be by now on the other side of the world, because I'm listening to it right now! The website, UDO-online has been updated as well! I know nobody cares, but I'm excited!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An End To The Catbox Saga?

There just is no good place on the main floor for a little box where vile things happen and from which odors emanate. No matter how cute the user is, this kind of thing belongs in the basement, in my view. We have one now, so I just can't see the catbox anywhere else.

The drama started right away with our crazy cat, and quickly abated with my 'stair shelf.' I thought it was a good plan to slowly move her down the stairs step by step, but it was taking so long and may never have been successful with this cat. Meanwhile, our stairs were narrowed to fit the box there. Bearable, but an imperfect solution. Here is how it looked then, and since moved down 4 stairs, and abruptly back to this point recently:

And now here is how it is - off the stairs! The top shelf is down several inches from maximum to line up with the stairs, so 1 of the 5 shelves went unused. That is the cardboard from the box the shelves came in between the shelves and the stairs. Kind of an afterthought, but should help keep any dust off the things we store underneath.

These are the same shelf kits in another part of the basement. We got these two a couple of months ago, shortly after we moved in. One tall and one set up as my workbench (and it has really come in handy!). As you can see, they're all full up, thus the need for another anyway. That's the old step shelf in the corner.

So hopefully this saga has ended and my pet posts will be all about cute and fuzzy things instead of the crap issues. Keep your fingers crossed!


Fish have now been added to the right... until I tire of them, anyway. I've just been exploring blogger a little, there is much more to learn but finding the time is the problem. So as I learn, changes will come. As for Fish, I know it's just a lame little blogger gadget, but it is kind of cute. So, click to feed my fish, already!