Thursday, April 30, 2009

You little...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cane Toads

Sunday, April 26, 2009

This Week

Well, sorry, I've gone too long without a regular post. But this is what it usually is, nothing much happening.

As for the house, we signed a bunch of papers at the bank this past week, but just waiting for the most part. We have to call utilities this week to set things up for the new place, and decide on an actual moving day. We have over a month to leave the apartment, and can get into the house in the middle of the month. Alot to do, just not quite time to do anything yet. We have started packing, but that will go fast once we can get into the house. We plan to move things like glass, picture frames, and the computer, by ourselves pretty much right after closing. Then let the movers get all the big stuff and regular boxes.

I did call in to Dr V's show Friday night. But it was late and I was exhausted. It was really hard to hear him on the phone as well. I was the only caller this show, but he did have a piano theme going. Actually, I think he sells himself short on the piano. No, he's no pro, but there is alot more to music than technical accuracy. My varied tastes in music point that out obviously, to me anyway.

And please, feel free to leave any comments, I'd like to know if somebody is listening out there. I know a few people check. But Mike, Gary, Scott, Lane, and anyone who hasn't checked in, please feel free. It should be simple: see my post on commenting. First names only is a good policy, this is the internet after all. No registering or anything is required!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Also, Dr V... live tonight at 10:00 pm. (Most) Every Friday at 10 the show goes live, at other times you see the latest show rerun, I believe. The link is on the right under 'My Other Favorites - The Dr V Show.'

I told him I'd try to stay up tonight and see it live. Maybe, just maybe, I'll call in to the show. But he said he's pretty beat tonight so it might be a rerun. I hope not.

Earth Day late

Bill Sticker had a nice post about Earth Day. Follow the link in his post - It's funny to see the predictions made in the 70's:

(I haven't learned how to put the link into the text yet.)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Regular Everyday Normal Guy

Warning: Adult Language

Nothing exciting...

...Going on lately. Just the everyday doldrums. Pencilling in plans for closing date and after. Surviving work, collapsing at night.

Had lunch with Dr V yesterday. He's taking care of himself well, still playing basketball with the 20 somethings once a week. My workout? Well, besides physical therapy (I threw my back out again some time ago), I just bought a house! My workouts are planned as mowing, raking, weeding, insulating, removing carpet, do I have to go on? Still, it would have been good to be good at something -anything- athletic. But I'm not throwing away any of my smaller pants yet.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Quicksand Giraffe

Friday, April 17, 2009


We had the house inspection this afternoon and all went well. Of course there were several small things we should work on, expected lifespans of things like the roof, furnace, etc. But overall, we were all very pleased! The house inspector was a very nice guy, engaging me in conversation throughout. Showing me the little things, what to watch out for, tips on fixing things to be better down the road. It was obvious our realtor has worked with him before. It almost seemed like we should be starting the grill and getting a beer!

So, yes, we were very pleased not to hear any "Uh-oh"s or see any real looks of concern. The house is nice enough that many of our first changes/updates will be aesthetic, like uncovering the wood floors and removing wallpaper to paint. We need to worry about things like furnace and roof, for example, several years down the road--Not that we won't start saving for them now, though.

It has 2 medium sized lilac bushes in back, so shortly after we move in we'll be enjoying those. There is a perfect place for a garden behind the garage. I don't think we'll be doing any planting this first year, however. We want to see what's there now. There are still plants coming up yet so we'll see what we have to work with this year and plant (and remove) accordingly.

My wife is anxious as hell, in a good way. 26 more days til closing.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Doctor V

You've all heard about me promoting him before, now there is an easy link if you wish to watch. This week, you'll like the cat on the piano part, I bet. I thought it was pretty cute.


He is now listed in my favorites list on the right. I think he does a regular radio show now, too. I'll have to get a hold of him to see if there is a link to that, as well. Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with him too well lately. Hopefully linking to him will make up for that.

He's a man with a cause I respect. The war on drugs is a crime itself. Just look at the cost: