Thursday, May 13, 2010

Man-made, remember that.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Betty White on SNL

81 seconds of the best of Betty White on Saturday Night Live.  I watched it Sunday afternoon on Hulu.  She's just so likeable right now, and it's infectious.  For chrissake hit play!  It's only 81 seconds!  via

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pic Dump 14

It has been quite a while since I posted a Pic Dump.  I have been conflicted about stealing pics from sites I like and reposting them here without giving credit to the site I saw it originally.  I do not have a large readership at all, and no one has complained, but that thought along with the fact that the Pic Dump posts are kind of a pain in the butt to do is why there hasn't been one in a while.  I tried giving credit in the names of some of the pics, but I don't always remember to do that when I save the pic.  I also don't want to get in the habit of posting one pic at a time, that is what I do when I feel I should post something but don't have anything to say.

Aside from all that, I still have the need to save certain pics at certain times for some reason so here is another dump so I can delete the stuff off my computer.  I'm not sure if this will be the last, but I am sure it will be the last that is this big.  50 or so, you can count and tell me, lol!

As usual, some you may have seen, some are nsfw, blah, blah....Enjoy!

Well?  Do it! Then click Read More below.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Marijuana Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, to my Mom and all the other mothers out there!  I won't be seeing my Mom today, but I did remember to get her extra special card sent out in time!

Not reflecting my Mom (that I'm aware of, anyway), but I read about Moms4marijuana in the paper this morning.  Moms have gotten tougher drunk driving laws passed and also enacted and repealed prohibition.  Groups like NORML are hoping that if the moms get on board laws will change sooner.  Good luck, I say.

On Mother’s Day- Sunday May 9th, 2010; the NORML Women’s Alliance will introduce you to a couple of Moms for Marijuana by highlighting several stories of mothers and grandmothers who hold their heads up high and proudly say “I am a mom for Marijuana.”
See that here.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Our cat freaked out a bit when I ventured here - but I had fun... Meowmania!
Thanks Joanne!

Monday, May 3, 2010

BP Oil compared to Exxon Valdez far, anyway.


TMOS Promo

A quick, funny plug for my favorite podcast! (kinda nsfw language)

A fan made the cartoon.  The audio is from the promo for the 'TMOS Raw' pay-shows they did recently.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flora Flora Flora!

The plants are coming in nicely in the flowerbeds along the back of the house.  It has filled out moreso than earlier this spring or even last year(look close for this one).

The purple puffburst things, my own term, on the right are starting to bloom.  The peonies, by the drainpipe, already have buds, behind those are 3 day lilies that will bloom orangish flowers all summer.  In the center there will be three different colored Irises that we will enjoy for a relatively short time soon.  Speaking of short time, the lilacs in back (not pictured) are just about peaking, we brought some inside yesterday.  Another purple flowering plant hangs, we bought that and a nice red and white combo hanging plant for by the front door yesterday.  I planted a bunch of petunias in a big pot to go out front.  The petunias along with the hanging flowering plant out front help the look alot, in my opinion.  It looks nice out front otherwise, just kinda boring.  Also not pictured here, the lily of the valley along the garage have come back and are getting ready to bloom as well.  Blooms will be happening everywhere very soon it seems.

It may not be much overall, but it's all ours and we're loving every minute of it!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunflower Dance

Happy Happy Happy Happy!

A beautiful Spring day today!  We have been cleaning house, tending to the yard, and planting and hanging plants.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fear The Deer!

Here's Bango, the Milwaukee Bucks mascot performing a backward dunk off a 16 foot ladder recently:

Go Bucks!  If I post tomorrow it will be late.  The Bucks can win the series with a victory starting at 6:00 my time Friday evening.  I will be watching. The last time the Bucks made a splash in the postseason I was in Jamaica getting married and on my honeymoon.  I repeat, Go Bucks!

*I don't know why I can't show the vid now, I've tried 6 times on my way to bed.  I'll try to fix it after work tomorrow. demmit. FML
Update:  It was showing html literally.  I changed the setting back but I don't know how it got switched in the first place.  Well, I know what to check first next time!