Thursday, January 20, 2022

Coldest Week?

I was outside this evening after taking out the recyclables, pondering a recent pile of poop on the snow that had already turned white and the tracks of the likely culprit.  No rabbit or other small animal, but larger and dog-like, judging by the gait.  My wife thinks it was a fox, and while the dog population in the area is much larger you rarely see one off-leash.  The tracks disappeared among the rabbit tracks back in the corner of the yard by the lilac.

Then my nose started to hurt.  It was maybe 2 minutes of being outside, but only 7ºF (-14ºC).

They said on the news this morning that this week is typically our coldest week each year.  Not sure how they determine it since weeks change a bit year to year, but okay.  I like my interesting facts to be more definitive, I guess.  Either way, it's cold.  There is no high temperature in the 10 day forecast that gets up to the freezing point.  As I write this it is already down to 3ºF.

Not a reason to like where I live, but we take it as it goes.

Here's a cool picture of Madison that I saw on this website.  Appears to be late in the day during a warmer time of year, looking northeast over downtown.  One of the best city regulations is a limit on building height on the isthmus and around the capitol building.  That's our house, top right.  ;)

Happy birthday this week to my lovely wife, who hates having it during the coldest week of the year.


Nic said...

That IS cold! Don't think we've ever had colder than -10ºC in the South East in my memory and usually not many days below zero, though it has been for the last few days at night. -2 when I went out with the dogs this morning first thing.

Keep warm!

Blue Witch said...

It's colder at Coven Sud than at Coven Nord!

Much colder, inside and outside. It's somewhere around freezing. I now remember why we're not usually in the UK at this time of year...

Supposed to get warmer again after today. If up to 6 or 7 C can be called warm.

Blue Witch said...

And happy birthday to Kate!

delcatto said...

Happy Birthday to Kate!

Quite mild here although we have had a couple of frosty mornings and whoever the init was who turned the heating off at work yesterday deserves to be buried head first in snow!

Scoakat said...

I would take 6ºC in a heartbeat right now! Thank you for the well-wishes.