Pain. I've known lots of physical pain in this life. From breaking both forearm bones in my left arm as a kid to broken toes, wisdom teeth infections, a shattered femur, neck fusion due to a disc, rotator cuff issues and two prior lower back disc surgeries. I'm sure I'm missing something and I am skipping lesser things but that should be most of the bigger stuff.
While I've been dealing with more back issues lately, my impression was that the L5/S1 disc was bulging and putting pressure on my nerve, but it seems I was incorrect. I had an MRI on Thursday for the fifth or sixth time in my life, I seem to have lost count. I fully expected another disc issue but the findings were no significant difference since my last (2011) MRI, yet the L5 nerve root shows a 'significant impingement,' I'm told, which is right in line with the pain I'm having. My next move is to await a phone call to make an appointment with a neurosurgeon.
While the pain is not quite what it was the last two times I had back surgery, it is the same pain just not quite as severe - yet. I'd been trying to move this process along as the last two times I could only stand for short times and in excruciating pain by the time I got to the surgery and I was hoping it wouldn't get that far this time. The MRI results, though, leave me less certain of what's to come. It's not that I want surgery, I just want to feel normal, but knowing it's not a disc has me worried as to what exactly the problem is. I don't know how soon I'll see the neurosurgeon but I look forward to seeing the images and hearing what they have to say.
The pain sucks, and they're not handing out the good painkillers like they used to. I've taken lots of opioids when needed, and very long ago I told my doctor that if I need a painkiller I'll take nothing less than, say, vicodin or oxycodone and such, as anything less never did anything to help me. Popping them left and right at times and while I've never felt the slightest twinge of addiction you do need to keep up on your stool softeners while taking them! And with nerve pain even opioids are relatively ineffective so I have been taking nothing. My doctor did give me a round of prednisone that I finished today but that has done nothing for me. I'm in a holding pattern of dealing with the pain as best I can until I can't anymore. Welcome back, old friend.
Ain’t No Snow Shovel
2 days ago
Sorry to hear about the back getting worse again. I thought that was what the S1 meant!
Hope the Doctors can do something soon to help.
You sound like you are careful with the drugs that are available today. Good for you. I was addicted to morphine in the hospital many, many years ago and am aware of just how tricky it can get.
Will pray for your situation and that the Doctors are skillful enough to help find a more permanent solution.
Until then, hang in there & be careful.
Thanks, Dan. I wouldn't say I'd been careful with painkilling drugs before - I've just never felt any kind of dependency. Just hurry up and wait, now.
Pain is just so debilitating and tiring. I do hope they find an answer for you soon.
Thanks, BW. I still have to wait a week and a half to see the neurosurgeon. This time it feels a bit different than my prior two back surgeries so I really don't know what to expect.
Sorry to hear about your on-going back problem. Hopefully you'll have it dealt with and can get on with things. Fingers crossed.
Thank you, Declan. You've heard me talk about similar before during my surgeries of 2010/11, and I appreciated your support then as I do now.
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