Grandma L, 93 |
Grandma W, 86 |
My wife and I went to see my grandmothers on Saturday. I'm late posting about it but it slipped my mind with all the projects I was looking forward to this week. They are both very old, 86 and 93, and wondering what they are still doing here. Kind of sad, but we were happy to spend time with them when we could on Saturday. Love you both, Grandmas!
Now on to day 2 of my vacation.
This is morning it was already over 80F degrees and humid, but the show must go on. I went about removing the old edging by neighbor Dave's fence. It was hot, but I had shade on my side, at least until noon or so. I went at it slowly, to not overheat and being very mindful of my back. I forgot to take any 'before' pics, but I found some old pics from my photo album that kind show the way it looked (,thanks a lot OCD). Most of this job was very low to the ground and with my back and knee I opted for dragging a chair along with me everywhere. I'm a bit tired and sore now, but it was worth it.The fenceline requires some kind of edging due to the ground level being a few inches above the sidewalk on neighbor Dave's side. The old edging was, well, old, and over the years has been pushed around by whatever forces to resemble somebody's terrible, uneven teeth.
Here are a couple old pics of the fenceline in the background, sorry I forgot to get better ones today.
For blogger's slideshow click on the pic, for full size, right click and open in new tab or window.
And the new look fenceline today, below. I'm not sure how Dave will like it but I don't think he's worried about it too much. To prevent the buckling and leaning this time, I dug down trying to find the edge of the sidewalk so I could insert a 2x4 ripped in half along that edge and then the edging would have support and hopefully remain much straighter. Well, sidewalks sink and tilt, but generally it worked out. All the dirt I dug up was bone dry. I was able to put some back as fill along the new edging, but much was distributed wherever I could around the yard.
This post is longer than I usually like on my front page, but, well, I guess it's my blog and I'll post what I want to! All the pics I took this morning are dumped after the break.
And finally, the corner where the fabled compost bin may someday live..
This looks very nice. Good job!
Thank you.
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