I'm thinking all that is left is for the extra poles to be removed and trees planted in spring, but they may surprise me with something I didn't think of again. Happily, it appears people are heeding the signs and only parking on the other side since I'm not sure how many neighbors looked into the work to be done as I did and knew about this change. And while I'm happy parking is on the other side, that means I'll have to back out a bit more carefully on this narrower street since we're pretty much guaranteed to have a car across the street now, and it may be my wife's at times.
When I got home from my Mom's on Thanksgiving Day I caught this fat squirrel eating from the frozen pumpkins on the stoop, picture taken from the car. Well, they lasted out front for about a month and a half, through Halloween and Thanksgiving, so it was time to put them in back and let them decompose or be eaten.I've had trouble with my display driver on this computer so haven't used the trail cams lately as reviewing all that video does bad things, but you can still see the squirrels eat up our pumpkin from a couple years ago here. Question: Does anyone know if you can download a new display driver? I haven't found anything when I looked, so I fear I may need to get a new computer to fix the issue. And yes, the driver is fully updated.
I placed the pumpkins on the rotting stump in back, near the frozen bird bath. (We've been below the freezing point for several days now, though we might manage to get just above tomorrow so we can get some rain that can then freeze for us. Wonderful.) Whatever the squirrels leave of the pumpkins can help nourish the wildflower seeds we plan to spread on the stump again next year.
After the break is just some recent baking, if interested.