Sunday, February 16, 2025

Most Snow So Far

Wednesday it snowed all day, and we wound up clearing the snow from that storm twice, my wife with the shovel and me with the snowblower, after I got home from work that day and again early the next morning.  

Thursday was sunny though still below freezing, but we got some good melting on the streets, and especially on the busy, brined-in-advance, major roads while the original 5 or so inches of light, fluffy snow on the ground slightly compacted.  

Friday evening the snow started again, but it was late enough and still coming down hard enough to just wait to go out until morning.

Saturday it continued snowing more than not all day.  We cleared snow early that morning, then again early afternoon, but this time we both shoveled without using the snowblower as it wasn't as deep as earlier.  Still, with my back, that 1-2 inches was almost enough for me to use the snowblower anyway.  Later that afternoon we had to clear the end of the driveway a couple times due to the snow plows coming by.   

Sunday, today:  I salted a bit last night, but I still had to clean up from a good dusting of snow overnight.  This picture was taken after I shoveled this morning, but even though it only got up to around 20ºF the sun came out and again we got good melting on the streets and walks.  What I mean by that is shoveled and plowed areas melted off nicely.  This is important now because though we won't be getting more snow we're going to be very frigid these next few days so all the wet snow will freeze hard in place, wherever it is.

I'm not sure of the exact number, but all in all it would seem to be about 8-10 inches of snow since Wednesday, to me.  Right now we have more snow on the ground now than we've had all season long.  I'm going to have to look again for a website that I can get good, detailed, recent and local weather data.  Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Good grief, that's a lot of snow and de-snowing - do take care of your back, won't you? It's been doing some light snow here since 10am, and it's not meant to be. Guess it's another nice present over from America!!! Stay warm.

- BW

delcatto said...

Phew. That’s a lot of snow. Stay warm and look after yourself.

Scoakat said...

Thank you both. I was very careful when I was out there and I'm happy to say my back is still well. Today's high was 6ºF, and each of the next two days will be similar or just a couple degrees better. But it's not the cold so much as the wind chill, about -20ºF this morning!